James Wood aka JW Wood on Digital Life and the Age of Anxiety on The Anxiety Advantage podcast hosted by Yang-May Ooi

Digital Life and The Age of Anxiety – James Wood aka JW Wood AXAV0104¦ The Anxiety Advantage [podcast] Season 01 Episode 04 

Is Digital Technology creating an Age of Anxiety in our modern times? Have there been other Ages of Anxiety? In this episode of The Anxiety Advantage we take a step back for a long and broad view of…

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The Anxiety Advantage podcast - guitar to illustrateHello Darkness My Old Friend episode 3 by Yang-May Ooi

Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend  – Yang-May Ooi AXAV0103 ¦ The Anxiety Advantage [podcast] Season 01 Episode 03

What can a Simon & Garfunkel song teach us about our relationship with Anxiety? Instead of doing battle with our Anxiety, could it help to see her as a friend and ally? In this episode, writer and podcaster…

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The Anxiety Advantage Season 01 Episode 01 - To Be Anxious is To Be Human artwork - podcast by Yang-May Ooi

To Be Anxious is To Be Human – Yang-May Ooi AXAV0101 ¦ The Anxiety Advantage [podcast] Season 01 Episode 01 

Fear can feel overwhelming. Anxiety can cripple us. When we are afraid, we can lash out and behave in horrible ways. When we are anxious, we can feel paralyzed. Our thoughts go round and round in our heads.…

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anxiety advantage podcast - trailer - a jourey of discovery - hosted by Yang-May Ooi

The Anxiety Advantage – Trailer – A Journey of Discovery [podcast] AXAV000a

Anxiety can be overwhelming and debilitating. And it is on the rise in today’s post-pandemic world. But Is it inevitable that we must live with fear, uncertainty and doubt – or can there be any good that can…

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The Anxiety Advantage podcat and multimedia project by Yang-May Ooi

The Anxiety Advantage – New Podcast Launching Soon

Fear and Anxiety can feel overwhelming. Fear can make us lash out to protect ourselves – we fight with everything we’ve got to beat down the danger. It can make us panic – try desperately to run away…

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