Councillor Mary Clarkson on Creative Conversations podcast, hosted by Yang-May Ooi

The Future of Tourism in Oxford – Mary Clarkson CCV0406 ¦ Creative Conversations [podcast] and Oxford Moments

How has the pandemic and restrictions on travel affected place-based tourism? What is a destination city like Oxford doing to face the post-pandemic challenge of bringing people back to the city centre – both tourists and local residents…

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Telling Family Stories – Janet Behan and Damian Le Bas CCV0405 ¦ Creative Conversations [podcast]

Actor Janet Behan and writer Damian Le Bas join Creative Conversation host, Yang-May Ooi, in today’s show to talk about Telling Family Stories in the context of their respective Irish, Gypsy and Chinese backgrounds. Along the way they…

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Callum Ruddock, travel writer - Creative Conversations podcast, hosted by Yang-May Ooi

What Travel Writing can tell us about Life – Callum Ruddock CCV0404 ¦ Creative Conversations [podcast] and Oxford Moments

In a world dominated by Youtube videos and Instagram images that can take you anywhere in the world, is there still a place for travel writing? How can the different types of writing about travel tell us about…

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Vaccination photo to illustrate blog post by Yang-May Ooi on Oxford Moments

One of over 30 million ¦ Oxford Moments

Author Yang-May Ooi reflects on what it means for her to take up the first dose of the vaccination against Covid-19. One of over 30 million ¦ Oxford Moments A couple of weeks ago, I heard on the…

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Kids walking to illustrate a blog post about going back to school after lockdown by author Yang-May Ooi

Welcoming Back the Rhythm of the Street ¦ Oxford Moments

Author Yang-May Ooi reflects on how street rhythms can give us a sense of well-being and help us feel at home in our neighbourhood. Welcoming Back the Rhythm of the Street ¦ Oxford Moments At first, I wasn’t…

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Michael Knight Theatre Company talks to Yang-May Ooi on Creative Conversations podcast

Theatre is Not Limited – The Michael Knight Theatre Company CCV0403 ¦ Creative Conversations [podcast]

Theatre is not limited, says Hillary May, founder of The Michael Knight Theatre Company. It is open to everyone to take part, it is part of the community, theatre gives a voice to those who would not normally…

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Yarn bomb on lamp post and flower pot to illustrate a post by Yang-May Ooi, Knitwear for Lamp Posts, on the Oxford Moments Blog

Knitwear for Lamp Posts ¦ Oxford Moments

Writer Yang-May Ooi discovers fashionista street furniture in Oxford. Knitwear for Lamp Posts ¦ Oxford Moments Out on my Sunday walk this weekend, I came upon this nattily dressed lamp post with its equally chic companion flower pot.…

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Bicycle in a field - to illustrate Surprised by Sandford Lock by Yang-May Ooi in her blog Oxford Moments

Surprised by Sandford Lock ¦ Oxford Moments

Fed up with unpacking and trying to sort her new house in Oxford, writer Yang-May Ooi takes off on a surprising cycle ride. Surprised by Sandford Lock ¦ Oxford Moments A few weeks after I moved into my…

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"Feeling homey now my books and stuff are up in my new house" - Oxford Moments, a multimedia blog by Writer Yang-May Ooi

Making a New Home in Oxford ¦ Oxford Moments

Writer & Podcaster Yang-May Ooi starts an old-fashioned blog about her new home city. Part journal, part local travelogue, the blog follows her exploration of Oxford, its people and places and what it is like to make a…

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Steve Slack, heritage interpreation consultant, joins writer Yang-May Ooi on the Creative Conversations podcast

Behind the Scenes in the Museum World – Steve Slack, author of Interpreting Heritage CCV0401 ¦ Creative Conversations [podcast]

What do ABBA, Hadrian’s Wall and Grecian Urns have in common? They are all part of the world’s heritage. Steve Slack, writer and heritage interpretation consultant joins Creative Conversations host, Yang-May Ooi in this first episode of 2021…

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